Sunday, March 31, 2013

Now that I know what type of diet I'm going to follow, I have to get a training plan, cos as they say "failing to plan is planning to fail"....

As far as earing goes I'm giving a try to IF (intermittent fasting) and IIFYM (if it fits your macros), I like it because it's very flexible, you just set your calories and macros and,as long as it fits, it's ok... I'll be cycling calories and carbst too:

 Monday : Weight training + BODYCOMBAT
Wednesday: Weight training (+ BODYATTACK(optional, depending how tired I am))
Friday: Weight Training
Saturday: Rest-day.
Sunday: CX WORX + SH'BAM

I'm going to miss BODYPUMP but I really want to try a different approach since what I was doing by now hasn't really done much about my figure.... I guess I could have done better in terms of diet, but still, I wasn't doing awfully wrong and I'm not seeing results, so...time to change....

Now I have to prepare a training plan for the weight training, that's difficult cos I am a total newbie...i'm gathering a lot of information on the net and asking a new friend... or acquanitance...i like to call him already friend, internet friend, anyways... he's helpting me A LOT with my training and diet, he's an advocate of IF and IIFYM and experienced in lifting weights...and you can tell he knows his stuff...I'm really happy he's helping me so much, I really appreciate it :)...

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