Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Meeting PT and end of the year

Yesterday I had the chance to train with my former PT. It was great. I feel so great training with him. I trust the myn with my life. If he says I can , then I know i can :) I wish I could train with him more often! he told me I have achieved a lot in the 9 months that I'm lifting and I just want to get better and better :)

I tend to not set concrete goals cause I'm afraid i could jinx it, but in my head and heart, I know that I have some goals.... As for my lifting goals i'm pretty sure i'll get there.....As for my physique goals...difficult! I'm confused about what to do. Apparently my BF% is 25% according my profile in bodybuilding.com.... I really don't think it's that high...but it's not low either, so one goal is reducing BF%. Then again , talking to my former PT yesterday, he told me that he does believe I can be a physique competitor at some point but now it's WAAAAYYYY too early!!!! it's just 9 months since I started lifting, and , though my progress is quite good (awesome actually, he  he)... I still have a long way in front of me....So now the goals are a bit confusing... shall I put on (muscle) weight as he says? shall I try to lose the fat lowering calories? I'm confused and I have to figure out what to do... I just want to see progress both in looks and in lifts.

Ideally I'd lose fat and gain muscle but that seems to be quite tricky! So much that some experts say it's not possible...Some say it is possible but "painfully slow".  I'll research about that and see what plan I should follow dietwise. Lifting I'll follow Uzi's plan.

As for the year, even though I have had very low moments, all in all it has been a VERY good year: I started lifting, found a new passion and something which makes me feel good. It's difficult for me to write about the positive things cause i'm having some down days lately...feeling kind of depressed.... lonely.... I hate christmas  :/ but I have to admit that 2013 was probably the best year of my life....maybe 2012 too....similar! :D I'm just happy I started lifting! New passion!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Carpal Tunnel Syndrom?

So I went to the doctor yesterday concerning the tingling and elbow problem and she suspects it could be carpal tunnel syndrome. It's not sure yet so I have to get some more test,being one of them on January 22nd....so it's gonna take a while til I know. Until then I'll keep on lifting like I have alwways done. the doctor didn't mention anything concerning lifting so, I assume it's no problem. I feel very  relieved. The news caught me in a bad day, I was exhausted, tired, down....but there was really no need to be so alarmed...i'm back on fitocracy too and m,y training plan will remain the same.

However, this being out of fitocracy and in again is a good thing cause I think I have to be more selective. I was following too many people, some of them were not giving me anything positive. I'll keep my friends and people whose workouts are inspirational or people who can really help me develop in this fitness thing.... but as B. told me the other day, and , as much as I love Fitocracy, I think he's right, fitocracy is becoming a place where people just post revealing pictures of themselves and use it to flirt... Of course you have the choice to participate or not in the groups which are mainly about those things. I stopped long ago to participate in Man Candy Monday and Female Foxy Friday..... then Wake Up Wednesday became also one of "these" groups so I left too. I never even participated in "level up, excuse me whilst I undress" on "Butts" or similar... really...not for me and I think those groups are giving fitocracy a bad name.

I also want to (no matter if in a fitness platform, social network or the gym itself) avoid misleading information. It seems everybody is an expert and feels entitled to give you advice...when you don't even ask for it!!!! The other day in the gym I asked a guy to spot me and he told me that if i was training for strength I shouldn't do more than 4 reps, if I was training for size, no more than 6...First time in my life that I hear that, and I told him about the 5x5 plan and powerlifting, and personal trainers, books...his answer: "They all learn from me".... bitch please!!! how can somebody be so fucking arrogant??!!! Anyways I just wanted to finish my set so I didn't debate with him cause...what for?! I'm a 5"2 girl.... he wouldn't even listen to me...cause hes a "sports teacher"...ugh! And then again, he's telling me how to train for strength...but he wasn't so strong! he was benching 47,5 kg....I was benching 40 kg..... and about size.... he didn't show any muscle at all! If you ask me, he didn't look as if he worked out ...like ever! I'm so sick of smart-asses!

I'm not an expert at all, that's right, but I don't give advice either....especially if I'm not asked for it. If asked then I give the advice I have heard from reliable sources or what has been useful for me and I have learnt from experience.

Monday, December 2, 2013

left fitocracy for now

Saturday I notice a tingling feeling in both hands. I have had this feeling for a long time, but at that point it seemed present all the time while other times came and went.... I aasked a friend of mine who is a nurse and he told me that maybe it's because of lifting wrong.... I don't think I lift wrong...but anyway it could be a pinched nerve or something...I have no idea, I have to see a doctor...I have an appointment tomorrow....The thing is that that friend told me I might not be able to lift heavy again....that piece of "news" crushed me.... I couldn't stop crying just thinking of the possibility of not being able to lift. I just hope he's wrong...At that point I though that, being like that, fitocracy doesn't make any sense for me so...I deleted my account. I don't want to be there if I only can log shit workouts.... it would make me feel ashamed... It hit me quite hard... I still don't know what's wrong, neither if it is actually a problem...but I can't make my peace with the idea.... Now that I'm starting to see results, it would be awful if I had to stop. Now that I found something I like....Ok, I like bodycombat too...but I want to lift, I want the challenge, I want to get stronger and push myself and want to transform my body.

last thursday it was amazing: I got to see my serratus for the first time, I was amazed...Like...seeing progress little by little...and I don't want to stop.

My weekend was plain awful...and I took two rest days (Saturday and Sunday) instead of one :( I was just exhausted, tired, depressed, unmotivated..... Actually I was unmotivated today too but I went to the gym, it was chest day..... and I'm thinking about coming back to fitocracy but I guess I should wait until I know for sure if I can keep on lifting. I really hope so.

I'm still feeling quite down. The gym couldn't cheer me up so much....not today.... :(

Other things I should mention at the appointment tomorrow, apart from the tingling feelinf is the pain in the elbows and the weak knee.... Fuck! I'm a mess!!!!