Thursday, October 10, 2013

Combat today

BODYCOMBAT 57 is the shit!!!!! :)
After a kinda weak release  (56) now bodycombat is again whet it used to be ....awesome! As for today, I was at the class doing it for the 4th time only and I really REALLY enjoyed it! ... Before the class I wasn't feeling well....I was very worried about some very loved person who is having a rough time... my mind was blocked cause I really wanted (and still want!!!) to help and I don't know how to....Anyway....thing is, the class made me feel very focused and I could enjoy it!
The choreography is a bit complicated, which I love cause it makes you be more concentrated and it's more of a challenge. We have one new movement and then the jump, which , depending on the instructor, can be more or less challenging since every instructor has their own style.
The music is great, I love all the songs!!!
During the 55 minutes I was happy...and at some point I was plain euphoric! Seriously! EUPHORIC! I wanted to scream on top of my lungs! That's what bodycombat can do to me!!!! that and make me burn over 500 calories :)

here is the sizzler, though it doesn't give you an idea of the actual release, which is A W E S O M E!!!! #TrueLove

In other order of back is almost 100% recovered and can't wait to be lifting again tomorrow! :) I still don't have the plan for my prep (2 year prep, that is!ha ha, but prep after all) I have no idea what I will train...probably legs.... I can't wait to get the plan, the training plan and the meal plan cause, to be honest, my eating is lately a fucking mess, the macros are just off and tha calories....tending to rather high.... I also kinda feel like eating meat again...big change after so many years of vegetarianism...

I have uploaded some videos to my youtubechannel of me lifting, just form checks for my coach... It's funny the way I unrack for squatting reminds A LOT to my former PT, you can tell from whom I learnt, ha ha....BTW it's just warm-up weight, and 1st day after the injury, so...believe me, I can do better than that! ha ha

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