My happy place is a bit less happy on friday early evening. The gym is so crowded! Full of bros! Every rest between one set and the next I had someone asked me how many sets to go.... I can't concentrate like that, seriously! I guess I'll stick to different times, up to now the best have been at aroung 2 p.m or really midninght or something like that, especially on the, yes, I'll stick to that. Some fitness experts ( Pauline) suggest chaninging the time for better results, like not always training in the morning or not always in the evening. Personally I don't have a set time now that I'm not working, so I can go whenever I want...i can try that of the changing times.... Sometimes i just feel the urge at some given moment , it's like, "I have to go to the gym NOW!" and sometimes I "plan" a bit more. ... My life as it is now is, in that sense, pure luxury! having the time i want.... i'll make sure to take advantage oof that :P
Leg day today after so long not doing pretty much anything...It was hard, quite hard, I even thought to stop in the middle and go home and come back tomorrow...but sure as hell I wouldn't do that, have we met?! It's not my style! Rather training to failure, deloading the weights.... feeling exhausted.... than interrupting. I've NEVER cut a session before I was done.... ok, once with my former PT, he did, bacause it was 3 am and we had started at midnight and he saw I literally couldn't lift a fucking dumbbell...OMG! That was one of the best days of the year! Training with him at that time was really cool! I miss him. Today I thought a lot about him because it happens rarely to me that I am so exhausted that I want to quit. It happens rarely when I'm alone but it happened quite often while training with him.
As for my new coach...i'm still waiting for my plan... soooo looking forward to it. I want to get started as soon as possible. I'm always full of expectations when I open my mailbox...but it doesn't happen .... I hope soon....
About other stuff in my life...what other stuff in my life? Is there anything besides training? Sometimes I wish there wasn't...that says enough.
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