Thursday, July 4, 2013

Reality check and starting the cut

i've been pretty upset lately. Last tuesday a co-worker , just out of the blue and knowing that i'm training told me 2your tummy is sticking out" and 2are you sure you're not eating too much?" that was more than I could bear...It got me depressed all tuesday long, most of wednesday and I still get mad when I think about it's time to put a solution...Now I don't care if I don't have muscle enough to go on a cut, i'm doing it anyway cause the worst thing i can hear is being called fat: call me ugly, stupid, bitch...whatever...but fat...that just hurts, hurts so much....I try to see the positive side, like, taking it as a wake-up call that I should really start cutting and losing fat....not because of caring of what that asshole says or thinks...but because i have come to realise that he's right...he's an ass, but he's right, he doesn't know how to treat people, he doesn'tz know politeness, he is not able to coexist with human beings...but he's right, I'm fat.... so I'm cutting....

Calculated macros for fat loss and I have to stick to it cause otherwise i will hate myself. I know I can do it, but i'm yet to prove it, not to him, to me! I keep on sabotaging me all the time, why? NO! not this time, this time I'm doing it right! Shame on me if I'm not! here's what I calculated...

I have to take extreme measures. It's ging to be the first time I follow it to the T...and I will! with LEANGAINS and IIFYM.


  1. I've worked really hard and my midsection is not where I want it to be either. I'd be really upset hearing something like that from someone, too. Salt in the wounds.

    I'm going to check out this program you're using. It looks legit.

  2. Thanks for the comment! sucks...putting so much effort and still not getting the results we want.... and then someone tells you exactly what upsets you the most...luckily that guy means nothing to me at all, he#s just a co-worker, so...fuck him! :D

  3. Sometimes... "I told you so" might not be enough to convey the message.

    Eating less will eventually lead to more fat (due to lower metabolism).

    "To do the same thing again and to expect a different result is called insanity" - Albert Einstien

    Eat more and work hard. You will get into shape. Trust me :)


  4. "To do the same thing again and to expect a different result is called insanity" -> i couldn't agree more.

    A calorie surplus will ALWAYS lead to increase weight...and unfortunately not only muscles, fat comes with it. eating more is NOT the solution, working hard i'm already doing...harder... can backfire too. Trust me, I know what i'm doing, I know my body and I know enough about calories in/ calories out, working out, metabolism and all that shit.

  5. looks like either u've hit a plateau or we both differ in our opinions on "ideal figure" for a lady.

    No 6-pack girl I've seen turned me on. The reason being the same. Their visualization about "ideal figure" and my visualization about "ideal figure" are different.

    Don't get me wrong here. I admire a gal with a six pack and I respect the hard work done by her to get that 6-pack. But not at the cost of feminine looks. I mean... come on... think about it.... If you lose all the fat and reach 4-5% bod fat, your cheeks will start to look like any other male bodybuilder. And as far as I know, gays like that kind of look but not straight men ;)

    You may think that I'm being biased here. Of course I am. I am not at all a fan of modern day bodybuilding. What I like is the classic bodybuilding era. The era of Steve Reeves, Reg Park et al. And the same "overdose" has crawled into female bodybuilding as well - setting wrong role models to the teenagers. Most of the fitness girls think that they are more attractive if they are skinny. Nope. They are WRONG. If we see a skinny girl, we feel that we are looking at a 13 year old boy. That is not what men consider as "attractive" in a girl. Hope this answers "Why doesn't he find me attractive?" for most of the girls.

    After all straight men like the features that are not present in them like curved bodies, smooth cheeks etc.
    And looks like you are trying to eliminate the features that we like and are working hard (and getting frustrated) to get the features that we don't care about.

    If you still doubt me, just ask yourself.. who are rated high as more attractive? female bodybuilders ? or female tennis players?

    Yeah... I agree that what matters the most is your own opinion about yourself. But, if the rationale behind being fit and having a six pack is to be more attractive, more healthy and more desirable, then you have to consider the opinions of others as well.

  6. Obviously we have different opinions on "ideal figure" for a lady. Anyway lots and lots of fitness models have a six-pack and don't look manly at all, it's a stereotype about female bodybuilders , with which I don't agree at all.

    Anyways, I'm doing it for myself and as means to show hard work and in order to look the way I want to look. I DO consider it attractive and I don't care that most males don't...Some of them do by the way, that's good enough for me. I'm not here to please anybody but me, and believe me, flabby and smooth doesn't please me , neither in myself nor in men, ew! I have my goals and want to achieve them for me, so I don't have to consider what they might find attractive and what not., I don't have to consider other's opinions. If I considered the opinion of everybody else i'd be torn cause you cannot please I choose to please myself...Some will like it, some others won't, I don't care.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I like female professional bodybuilders too. (In fact they are my fantasy women)... But only in their off-seasons. Not while they are participating in a contest.

      I don't consider female six-pack fitness models as manly ladies.
      Even I don't agree with that "female bodybuilders are manly" stereotype.
      What I mentioned was about cheeks, but not the body.

      for example... I've mentioned that female tennis players are more attractive. They have manly muscles. They are strong. They are athletic and also they don't have skinny cheeks. They are REALLY attractive :) They are close to my opinion of "ideal lady figure" - just like a female super hero in comic books.

      Having said all that, What I'm against is... "barbie girl wannabes". They look like 13 year old boy. Just boyish. Not even manly ;)
