Last week I hurt myself, I don't know exactly how, I just know that it started on friday and I chose to ignore it on saturday doing my shoulder routine as if I wasn't hurting and it got much worse. Now I haven't been able to lift for a complete week and I'm feeling quite bummed about it. Last Sunday, Monday AND Tuesday I did NOTHING! :( then Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and yesterday Saturday, just cardio classes...I love them but I want to lift too!!!! Tomorrow I'll visit a chiropractor and I hope she can fix me. I want to be back in the gym the soonest possible.
In other order of things. Since I'm not sure what strategy to follow to get where I want ( to the physique I want, that is) I have contacted a coach and next week I'll have the first consultation with her. I'm so psyched about it! Things are gonna start getting serious! I can't wait! It will definitely be more goal oriented than what I was doing before, oriented to get the physique, not only on gaining strength , which I will do too! I'm really happy about it and looking forward too.
This weekend was the mr.Olympia in Vegas and... now I'm even more motivated! I still don't know for which cathegory I'd be competing: bikini, figure...Definitely not fitness cause I can't do the things they do, I'm fit but I'm not superwoman (and they kind of are!, ha ha). watching the show i'd say my ideal would be figure or physique, but physique seems almost unattainable the natural way....
These were the winners in bikini, figure and physique respectively:
I will have my coach tell me what would be the best division for me...can't wait! I really want this! I want to prove myself and everybody that I can do it. It'll take long...ok, I have time ;)
As for training I can't wait til I am recovered!
My former PT contacted me yesterday and said, I quote " so now training is going to have a whole new meaning you are more then welcome to drop by to train " he has a squat rack at home!!!! so cool!!!! I definitely will go...when I'm recovered, that is...and if he really means it cause...seriously, he says too much and he doesn't always deliver.... He said he would take me to Joni's gym...never happened...and some other I'm happy for the offer but I don't rely on it. He's weird.... but since already some time i'm not even trying to understand him, lol, he's cool, I'll take whatever I can use from his advice but not any bullshit.... and , of course, I won't rely on anything he says.... If at the end of the day we manage to train together, that would be awesome, and I will insist on it once I'm recovered.... if we don't... it was actually expected, so no harm.
Best thing is keeping the expectations low.
As for advice concerning eating and working out plan I will follow my new coache's advice and won't let my former PT interfere. I'll gladly train with him, he knows his shit, I have learnt the basics from him and got stronger, He has tought me how to squat , deadlift and bench right, and that's the basis! I couldn't have done it without him. he got me started in a journey that I don't want to give up. I'm really passionate about it!
Damn! So looking forward to training again! Fucking injury!!!!
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