Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A coaching session

 I was at the gym squating and a guy wanted to use the quat rack at the same time as me but he let me first and while seeing me he told me that my shoes were not good at all for lifting and that I'd do better without shoes, we started talking and he's a personal trainer and has lifted already for nine years! ... So he was coaching me and it was cool, I noticed that you really have to pay attenttion to a lot of things while squatting... I guess the same goes for other exercises but, it was like eye-opening...So I did less weight but I did it right! He told me he wouldn't mind coaching me again if we coincide in the gym and also told me about a (female) friend of his whom I could contact and maybe she and me could train together or she could coach me...he was really nice to me! and I think I have learnt a lot :)

Now I'm even more motivated now that I see a bit clearer what this is about cos i was feeling a bit lost, I have to admit.

I really appreciate that that person coached me...among everybody in the gym he coached me cause he sensed I want to do things right and I want to learn, and I really do!

So, ok weightwise the squats don't count cos I was just training with the bar to make sure I have the basis right. As for the rest:

DEADLIFTS: warm-up: 3 sets x 5 reps 22,5 kg
                       training: 5x5 with 42,5 kg

BENCH PRESS: warm-up: 3 setsx 5 reps just the bar (17,5kg)
                            training: 5x5 with 27,5

SQUATS: Coached, focusing on technique.

ASSISTED CHIN-UPS: warm-up: 60lbs x5
                                       training : 30 lbs x 3 ( didn't manage the 4th)

I didn't do cardio today and eatingwise... a bit more than planned but I planned already less than what the real plan says....

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