I'm a bit concerned about my form by doing deadlifts...I'm not absolutely sure that I'm doing it right, next time that I do deadlifts I'll ask a trainer. Today while training befor body combat , M. told me he could help me when he's there, I asked him if he would be there before the course and he said that in case he's there he would gladly help me...but he doesn't know if he can be there already before the class...well, we'll see, I don't rely on him helping me, if he does, perfect but if I have learnt something up to now is...don't wait for someone to help, aask for help, maybe you won't get the help you were expecting to but ...you can't be waiting forever, right?... Anyways I'm quite happy with my results today, here's what I did:
I skipped the treadmill cos the train was late :P
warm-up (with the bar): 3 sets x 8 reps
Set 1: (42,5 kg + bar) x 4 reps
Set 2: (32,5 + bar) x 6 reps
Set 3: (22,5 + bar) x 8 reps
As I said...not very confident about my for... I have to get coached, I don't want to get injured now or in the future or doing the effort in vain in case I'm doing it wrong.
This may help....
warm-up: 3 sets x 10 lbs
Set 1: 8 reos 55lbs
Set 2: 10 reps 40 lbs
Set 3: 12 reps x 25 lbs
Set 1: 40 lbs x 2 reps
Set 2: 50 lbs x 4 reps
Set 3 60 lbs x 6 reps
First I tried with 30 lbs but I couldn't get all the way up... :/... There is some room for improvement here!!! and motivation too!!!
Apart from that BODYCOMBAT 55, I fucking love it <3 <3 <3
And eatingwise...AWESOME... like a cheat day, but "legally" ... I had an oreo shake, an oatsnack...my favourite (normally forbidden) stuff...oh! and banana ice-cream!!! My specialty: here's the recipe: cut a banana, put in in the freezer...when frozen, blend it.... there you go...best ice-cream EVER!!! :D :D :D
And I hit my macros quite ok...hippie! ;P