Monday, April 22, 2013

The Big three and some ranting :P

So.... RPT is maybe a bit advanced for me since I'm lifting now for only 3 weeks.... so I ecided to change the programm and I started with "the big three" (  and here#s what I did today:

Deadlifts: warm-up 3 sets x 22kg x 6 repstraining: 5 sets x37 kg x 5 repsbonus set: x 42 kg x 5 reps

Bench Press: warm-up: 3 sets x 17,5 x 5 repstraining: 5 sets x 25 kg x 5 repsbonus set: 30 kg x 5 reps

Squats: warm-up: 3 sets x 22 kg x 5 repstraining: 5 sets x 32,5 kg x 5 repsbonus set: 37,5 kg x 5 reps

But I can go heavier than that. Next time , wednesday, I'll di the training with what I have used for the bonus set this time.... it's a bit too little weight, istn't it? well, I'll increase next time ... + BODYCOMBAT!!!

It was kind of exhausting but I didn't feel like totally drained...which tells me I could have gone harder...and I will next time! 

After that I wanted to do a couple of chin-ups but Bodycombat was about to start so I didn't do the chin-ups. BODYCOMBAT was really cool, like always, I had a lot of energy almost til the the end I was exhausted but happy :) I know the choreography already and don't make a lot of mistakes. The other day i was also complimented on my combat movements... [deleted stuff ]

Tomorrow is BODYCOMBAT again <3 <3 <3 and I'm looking forward to wednesday, when I'll do the big three again but with more weights. :)

I've been told recently i'm "too" positive...funny... yes, I guess I try to look on the bright side of life ... it was like "I'm going to start a new training! how cool! I can't wait"... I guess I sound exaggerated, well in that case I am, because it's just what I think and what I feel... and I'm happy about it... I just wished the results were better.... but i'll be patient and BELIEVE... Sometime what gets in the way from us to achieve our goals is just ourselves... I guess somewhere in the back of my brain it's "engraved" that I canÄ't lose weight or look REALLY good.... The moment I'll stop thinking that, and I mean it also unconciously...THAT moment I would have broken the barrier and I'll start seeing results, that's what I think...but how to stop something uncounscious.... It's like these gut feelings that I sometimes have... the almost never are wrong...and when I sense "something" it might actually happen...sometimes to my bad luck, I must say...In those moments I try to convince myself that this feeling might just be my worries or fears...but I think I'm quite intuitive...for better or for worse!... and very often, if i listen to my gut I would realize that there's something there... Anyways... what i want to say is that I have to believe in myself and let the fear disappear.... Today for example...I could have pushed myself harder... I didn't...why not? partially because before i started i didn't think I my surprise it would have been possible without doubt.... but hey! now I know for next time... wednesday....

Oh, and eating-wise... I' trying to reduce calories cause I WANT results...and I'm not getting them! so instead of 1800 on training days it will be 1500 to 1600  and rest days aiming for 900 to 1000 ... (my TDEE is 1700)... I know it's maybe a bit too little but I want results and... "hunger hurts but starving works" as the song says....


  1. If I were you, I dont go for that low diet.

    There is this concept called "high calorie flux"
    which gives relatively slower but long-lasting results.

    SUMMARY: if u eat 10 cal more, u can burn 12-15 cal more than what you have planned. But... if u eat 10 cal less (than what ur body requires) u might end up burning 15-20 cals less than what you have planned.

    1. hope this link helps :)

    2. Thank you for the links, I'll take a look.... I'm dispaired cause though I'm not hitting my macros exactly everyday, most of the days I'm hitting them pretty much exactly, same goes for the calories... Since i started exercising i haven't lost any weight or fat.... Actually I have put on weight, not much but a bit though I have built some muscle... I'm hoping that now that I'm training with weights instead of Bodypump , my body also should actually....
