As for today I have skipped cardio, it would have beeen BODYATTACK and I'm not a big fan of BODYATTACK, especially the current release...
So here is what I have done:
Warm-up just with the bar (17,5 kg) 3 sets, 7 reps
Set 1: bar + 5 kg each side 5 reps
Set 2: bar + 2,5 kg each side 8 reps
Set 3: bar + 2,5 each side 10 reps
After the second set I thought there is really NO NEED to reduce the weights. Actually I could have gone much harder. Even with the highest I haven't struggled in the, ok, I know for next time :)
Warm-up 3 sets x 10 reps with 3kg
Set 1: 5 reps x 10 kgs.
Set 2: 10 reps x 7,5 kg
That was ok. I had to struggle through the last reps, which is good :)
Warm-up 70 lbs x 7 reps
Set 1: 40 lbs x 2 reps
Set 2: 50 lbs x 4 reps
Set 3: 60 lbs x 6 reps
I didn't really manage the topset, I was far from going up to the top....
2 sets x 5 reps each
I really suck at dips, there's big big room for improvement there!
Anyways I'm happy with what I did today...Still getting used to, cos it's really different from BP...but I love it! You don't get as exhausted as with BP but the feeling that you have to struggle through the last reps, even when there are no many reps to begin with, is nice, I love it. I'm really motivated!!! Looking forward to next session!!!
As for eating.... A LOT! Even tho I did no cardio, I had the 1848...actually a bit more calories::
and now a video from the guy who is helping me with the training (helping me online I mean, at least for the time being :))
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