Yesterday I did again bench press, incline dumbbell press and pull-ups... Something weird happens to me and it's that while I do find the last reps to be hard, at the same time I don't feel exhausted after the work-out...which makes me feel kinda wrong... I should be exhausted I guess.... ?? My friend/online-coach doesn't know why either but he thought maybe it is too soon for me to train RPT (Reverse Pyramid Style), he might be right, normally RPT is something for people who are trained and me...well... let's say BODYPUMP was a very cool endurance training with the barbell...that DOESN'T make me a trained person as far as strength training goes... So I'm going to start from basics, the program will stay the same but not in RPT style , just the standard way to train for beginners... OR my friend suggested 5x5 , which I still don't know much about, but I'll do my homework as soon as I'm home...(gotta go to the gym first, of course, where else?!)
So, here is what I did yesterday:
Bench Press:
warm-up: (just the bar 0 17,5 kg) 3 sets x 8 reps
Set 1: (6,25 kg. each side) x 5 reps
Set 2: (5 kg each side) x 8 reps
Set 3 (2,5 kg each side) x 12 reps
The heaviest set, set 1 cos it was RPT was difficult but I could manage...I could manage 4 , the fifth had a bad form... My main problem ( noob here!) was being far apart from the lateral bars so that the barbell wouldn't collide with them, lol...I sometimes feel so ridiculous... maybe I should go to train a t 3 or 4 am when nobody could see me...LOL... anyway... i'm not there for guys to check me out, LOL
The lightest set, with 2,5 was really a walk in the a sunny day... with mild temperature...LOL
Incline Dumbbell Press
warm up (5 kg ) 3 sets x 8 reps
Set 1: 10 kg x 8 reps
Set 2: 7,5 kg x 12 reps
It was good... 10 kgs was not that exhausting tho...Maybe next time I can try 12,5? or well...since I won't go RP Style I might stick too the 10 for 3 sets... I have to think about it ;)
Pull-ups: (assisted)
warm-up: 70 lbs x 8 reps
Set 1: 40 lbs x 2 reps
Set 2: 50 lbs x 4 reps
Set 3: 60 lbs x 6 reps
I tried also one rep with 30 lbs...I couldn't :/ It seems pull-ups are more difficult than chin-ups
And as for dips... they were in the written plan... I just realised I have no clue how to do let#s leave it here for now :D I'll get informed about how to do it first and then I will try ;)
You can find info about dips here...
And regarding "I dont feel pain after the last rep"... try lifting more weight or try increasing your reps
Thank you for the links! and for the advice! Yes, i was thinking of lifting heavier ;)
ReplyDelete:) good luck