Sunday, May 12, 2013

Friday's training alone

Friday I got to train alone, without my coach, since he told me on Thursday I can do leg-day on my own and also because he couldn't make it. I woke up thursday and first thing I had to do was going to the dentist. It seems everything is frine and then... I wasn't sure wheteher going to the gym or not cause I was having a headache and I was sore but I thought.... "Is it really so bad or am I making excuses?" So I went to the gym and made lg-day on my own :) and I'm proud of it, here's what I did:

SQUATS: 5x5 with 37,5 kg

DEADLIFTS: 5x5 with 67,5 kg

LUNGES: 5x10 with 10 kg (each side)

CALVES (sitted extensions): 8x10 ( 5 seconds holding) with 20 kg

And now about the DIET.... well, I'm having too many calories and I don't think it's really helping in terms of strength so I'm thinking about reducing a bit... I'm also afraid of getting fat .... I'm also considering VEGANISM...the more i think about it the more sense it makes.... yes, it's difficult to hit the macros with it, but not's not for me, it's for the animals, the environment... I would feel much more in peace with myself.... maybe i'll just reduce animal products little by little..... There are vegan bodybuilders, so...why can't I be one of them....

well, here's a video of me squatting:

with corrections, I really need to improve!

I meade a fitocracy account:

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