Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My first K.I.S.S went a little like this.... :P

K.I.S.S  stands for "Keep it simple and stupid"... so my coach, LOL! 

Yesterday's workout went a little like this :D:

Warm-up like always more or less, which bases mainly in :

and some more exercises, mainly to open the hips and get the ankles a bit more flexible....

And then the WO itself:

1. DEADLIFTS (<3 <3 <3, I love them): 5x5 
Set 1: 67,5 kg
Set 2: 67,5 kg
Set 3: 67,5 kg
Set 4:70 kg
Set 5: 70 kg

What do I have to bear in mind: Hips through I always forget that.As for the rest...well, same as always chest up, bar close to the shins (touching them when you go up)...
Actually my deadlift is not bad. My coach tells me i'm good at it , I have a body for deadlifting... That was nice to hear, actually the movement comes to me quite naturally ( I'm born to lift the dead, mwahahahaha)... I need to improve it a bit, tweaking it here and there but all in all for the second week it was good. I tried once wit 77,5 but I lost the form...:/ My coach said that was too much weight...for now! Too bad, but hey, main thing is doing it right! Slow and steady wins the race. :)

2. PULL-UPS 5x5 with 7 seconds negative
They are so fucking hard! Still assisted with the rubber bands (much more difficult than with the machine) and assisted by my coach. At the end it was a bit embarrasing cause I was already a bit exhausted and he was holding my whole weight  :/ ... but ONE I ALMOST got to do by myself...LOL, it sounds so little.... 
You should see my arms after the pull-ups! Oh my dog! so pumped! LOL
I can't wait to the moment when I can do pull-ups all the way up by myself...but patience! ( and effort, of course!) I don't want to come across as a lazy ass....cos I really don't think I am...I'm giving my 100% ...but my 100% for now is still.... "improvable" let's put it this way :D

3.HORIZONTAL ROWS ( T-bar rows) 5x10 each time 5 kg
EGG! LOL; that's the cue my coach uses so that I keep the tension on the shoulderblades... To take into account: the neagtives (releasing slowly). Next time I will be adding 1,25

4. CABLE EXTENSIONS (Pulldown neutral grip) 5x5
Set 1: 18 kg x 10 reps
Set 2: 18 kg x 10 reps
Set 3: 25 kg x10 reps
Set 4: 25 kg x 10 reps
 This exercise was cool. Since I'm exercising the back and I can't see it, I imagined it and had like some pictures in mind to motivate me...and the egg, of corse, always the egg between my sholders, :D 

5. HORIZONTAL CABLE ROWS 4 Sets x 10 reps
That didn't go so well,...I was fucking exhausted! The weight was minimal but I had to struggle here....

6. BICEP CURLS 4x10 with 5 kg
Next time adding weight: 7,5 kg.
That went good, it was not extremely difficult...

And then I told my coach that we hadn't done the roll-outs tho he brought the thing to do them and he said I was too exhausted...but anyway I tried just a couple of times to see how it's done...but yes, I was too exhausted to do them right...

He asked me at the very end how I found the WO I thought it was good and I asked him and...he couldn't say, he said he has to try a leg-day with me... so tomorrow is leg day! :)  (also cause then I will have to be one week "resting") due to a tooth extraction...that sux :/ I'm gonna miss my WOs in both senses of the word...

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