Tuesday, May 28, 2013

About the eagerness to learn

I was training yesterday, I was doing deadlifts with my coach to be precise and some repetitions he would say "good rep" and some others "bad rep"... Sometimes I totally noticed what went wrong but some other timkes not at all so, at some point (bad done!) I stopped in the middle of the set, angry and asked "why?! what was wrong?!".... he, of course explained it to me.... what I want to get at with this is that now it's not enough for me to do the reps ggod "by chance". I used to do that and was happy if the result was good and tried again if the result was bad...but I want to learn to do it properly and some day be able to do everything on my own and teach. Luckily I have the best coach ever, he explains, he knows his stuff, he's really passionate and as eager to teach as I'm eager to learn, we're a perfect match :)

Monday, May 27, 2013

Feedback and some rantings....

It's been a while since I don't post but that doesn't mean I stopped working out or losz motivation, not at all! If anything, then it's the oppositte! :)... I keep on seeing progress and get good feedback from my coach.

Here's what he wrote the other day:

oh well the reason why we don't lift heavy is because lifting heavy weights and squatting will make us all bulky uzi, bullshit, no it doesn't, here's a a client of mine who is prime example of what wonders a good dose of heavy squatting and deadlifting can do for your body! she also just hit her first pullup today and there are big things in store for this girl! These are the results after one month of training, stay tuned and I'll post another picture couple of months down the line which is even going to make this look like nothing. Super proud of her! More booty, muscles and power to you!  — with Alex Mills.

I was really happy when I read this the day after! It helps me very much with motivation!

In other order of things I was talking with my BFF yesterday about how training and bodybuilding can have a great influence in your mind and not only in your body. I come from an eating disorder. Anorexia is a mental estate in which you basicall want to feel weak so tha people take care of you and love you.... Like when you are a child, it's like a way to remain in your childhood...you want to get attenttion and love and to your mind it seems that is the way to get it.... by being weak.... I used to feel that way....I f someone had told me five years ago that I would be so positive as I am now and wanting to get strong I wouldn't have believed it. 

We talked long about my former and my current minset and how the body affects the mind... Well, I've always had a tendency to depression but it's changing...and kinda for the complete oppositte! Oh my! Sometimes I'm so positive thet people make fun of me! LOL...happy I can be so amusing! :D :D :D... and ...you know...whatever makes me happy! It might sound superficial "being so happy" especially if you have like "brooding" people around seeming so deep...well...as far as I'm concerned...been there, done that...and turned the page! now I'm happy ... why? because I chose to be! 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

what would I do without my coach....

Yesterday I weighed myself in the morning and I have gained too much weight. I felt awful, on top of that I was feeling bloated and looked like shit, like...I looked as if I was 6 month pregnant, so disgusting!!!

Yesterday I didn't have a training session but I did BODYCOMBAT and SH'BAM at home with the DVDs. Especially for SH'BAM I want to practise the moves zhat I'm still bad at or that I don't know...cause I'm dreaming (more than really considering!) to become an instructor some day...and BODYCOMBAT....well I wanted the DVDs anyway for the times that I can't make it to the gym.

Yesterday evening I wrote my coach a message telling him about my worries about the weight and so on and...he was really nice to me, he called me and we were talking for a long time and he explained a lot of things to me and we tweaked my plan a bit.... Well, now that he's taking so much effort, I really have to be a good girl and follow his instructions to the T, because, 1st of all, I ask and pay for his advice and 2nd he's taking it seriously, I feel that he puts effort on me and I appreciate it a lot!He was great to me yesterday I felt like "taken care of"...it was a very nice feeling....and I really don't want to disappoint him. That day that I gave up at the squat rack is still haunting me... It's a bad feeling when you think you've disappointed somebody...and yourself,  and I won't allow that to happen...neither in the weight-room nor with the diet (the most difficult part!). Like the last sessions I have given my 100% to show him that I am really serious and that I really want it, I'm going to proceed the same way aas far as dieting is concerned...he shouldn't get the feeling that I'm lazy or not committed or not determined... I have to show him I can and will do things right!

The major changes in the diet are:

keep carb intake only pre and post workout
but there i want you to AT LEAST have 50 grams of carbs pre workout
and then 50 grams post workout
in a meal or in your shake
the rest of the day, eat high fat, high protein, low carb
avacados, almonds, black beans, coconut milk are your best friends
no carbs 2 hours before bed

And on non-training days I should stick to less than 50 gr. carbs

Friday, May 17, 2013

the last two days

I'm so sore!!!! yesterday it was a good day as far as working-out goes. I managed the military press...with very little weight, but I did. And the day before...Front squats (among other things)....
May 15th
  • Front Barbell Squat:
    • 60.6 lb x 5 reps (+52 pts)
    • 60.6 lb x 5 reps (+52 pts)
    • 60.6 lb x 5 reps (+52 pts)
    • 60.6 lb x 5 reps (+52 pts)
    • 60.6 lb x 5 reps (+52 pts)
  • Barbell Deadlift:
    • 159.8 lb x 5 reps (+101 pts)
    • 159.8 lb x 5 reps (+101 pts)
    • 159.8 lb x 5 reps (+101 pts)
    • 159.8 lb x 5 reps (+101 pts)
    • 159.8 lb x 5 reps (+101 pts)
  • Snatch-Grip Deadlift:
    • 126.8 lb x 5 reps (+81 pts)
    • 126.8 lb x 5 reps (+81 pts)
    • 126.8 lb x 5 reps (+81 pts)
    • 126.8 lb x 5 reps (+81 pts)
    • 126.8 lb x 5 reps (+81 pts)
  • Pull-Up:
    • 8 reps (+37 pts)
    • 8 reps (+37 pts)
    • 8 reps (+37 pts)
    • 8 reps (+37 pts)
    • 8 reps (+37 pts)
  • Hammer Dumbbell Curl:
    • 25 lb x 5 reps (+20 pts)
    • 25 lb x 5 reps (+20 pts)
    • 25 lb x 5 reps (+20 pts)
  • Machine Back Extension:
    • 20 reps (+11 pts)
    • 20 reps (+11 pts)
    • 20 reps (+11 pts) 
    May 16th
    • Barbell Squat:
      • 93.7 lb x 5 reps (+65 pts)
      • 93.7 lb x 5 reps (+65 pts)
      • 93.7 lb x 5 reps (+65 pts)
      • 93.7 lb x 5 reps (+65 pts)
      • 93.7 lb x 5 reps (+65 pts)
    • Standing Military Press:
      • 44 lb x 5 reps (+69 pts)
      • 44 lb x 5 reps (+69 pts)
      • 44 lb x 5 reps (+69 pts)
      • 44 lb x 5 reps (+69 pts)
      • 44 lb x 5 reps (+69 pts)
    • Kirk Shrugs:
      • 104.7 lb x 2 reps (+34 pts)
      • 104.7 lb x 2 reps (+34 pts)
      • 99.2 lb x 8 reps (+55 pts)
    • Side Lateral Raise:
      • 6.6 lb x 10 reps (+10 pts)
      • 6.6 lb x 10 reps (+10 pts)
      • 4.4 lb x 10 reps (+10 pts)
      • 4.4 lb x 10 reps (+10 pts)
      • 4.4 lb x 10 reps (+10 pts)
    • Triceps Pushdown:
      • 2.2 lb x 8 reps (+9 pts)
      • 2.2 lb x 8 reps (+9 pts)
      • 2.2 lb x 8 reps (+9 pts) 

      I'm very excited about working out. Sometimes I fell a bit scared of the challenge but I try to hide it... It's fear but minly excitement...but so different from the fitness classes! I love that feeling, it's really exciting and I love the results, I think I already see some results in body composition and I definitely have progressed in form and strength, I'm strong I would say.... I still sometimes feel insecure and rely too much on what my coach says...if he thinks (and tells me) that it was a good workout, then I'm happy but if he doesn't...I sometimes cannot rely on my feeling.... I think yesterday's WO was good, and the day before maybe even better :) I was really REALLY exhausted on Wednesday after the WO. Esp the pull-ups kill me...I'm so bad at them!!! But I try not to get discouraged... My coach says it's normal cause we girls have much less strength than men on the upper-body....and that I shouldn't be discouraged :)

      I can't wait to next session, I'm kinda hooked on training, it's such a nice feeling! :) On the weekend i won't be training strength, just some courses and today just REST...i have earned it! LOL

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

have no fear!

Yesterday was one of the few days i had as many positive as negative feelings about training...I was looking forward to it but also afraid since the last time that I squatted was so bad.... But everything seems to have gone ok, and I feel confident again and i'm looking forward to wednesday, when we will be training back.

Here's what I did:

  • Barbell Squat:
    • 93.7 lb x 5 reps (+65 pts)
    • 93.7 lb x 5 reps (+65 pts)
    • 93.7 lb x 5 reps (+65 pts)
    • 93.7 lb x 5 reps (+65 pts)
    • 93.7 lb x 5 reps (+65 pts)
  • Barbell Bench Press:
    • 60.6 lb x 5 reps (+53 pts)
    • 60.6 lb x 5 reps (+53 pts)
    • 60.6 lb x 5 reps (+53 pts)
    • 60.6 lb x 5 reps (+53 pts)
    • 60.6 lb x 5 reps (+53 pts)
  • Machine Dips:
    • 59.5 lb x 10 reps (+15 pts)
    • 59.5 lb x 10 reps (+15 pts)
    • 59.5 lb x 10 reps (+15 pts)
    • 59.5 lb x 10 reps (+15 pts)
    • 59.5 lb x 10 reps (+15 pts)
  • Barbell Incline Bench Press:
    • 38.5 lb x 12 reps (+55 pts)
    • 38.5 lb x 12 reps (+55 pts)
    • 38.5 lb x 12 reps (+55 pts)
    • 38.5 lb x 12 reps (+55 pts)
  • Side Lateral Raise:
    • 4.4 lb x 12 reps (+10 pts)
    • 4.4 lb x 12 reps (+10 pts)
    • 4.4 lb x 12 reps (+10 pts)
    • 4.4 lb x 12 reps (+10 pts)
    • 4.4 lb x 12 reps (+10 pts) 

    After the workout my arms were so pumped!!!! It was cool! I should have taken a selfie but I was too self-conscious, LOL....

    My coach asked me about how I want to train, and my goals , etc, and, after thinking of it a bit, here's what I replied:

    Short term goals:
    1. getting the technique for the big three good enough that I can do them on my own.
    2. learning additional "minors" which can help me and knowing how I should prioritize.
    Long term goals:
    looking like a bikini competitor (even if it sound delusional right now).

    As for now I'm quite happy how things are going, I do see the progress and it helps A LOT when I get positive feedback from him. He's the best coach ever!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

My back


Friday's training alone

Friday I got to train alone, without my coach, since he told me on Thursday I can do leg-day on my own and also because he couldn't make it. I woke up thursday and first thing I had to do was going to the dentist. It seems everything is frine and then... I wasn't sure wheteher going to the gym or not cause I was having a headache and I was sore but I thought.... "Is it really so bad or am I making excuses?" So I went to the gym and made lg-day on my own :) and I'm proud of it, here's what I did:

SQUATS: 5x5 with 37,5 kg

DEADLIFTS: 5x5 with 67,5 kg

LUNGES: 5x10 with 10 kg (each side)

CALVES (sitted extensions): 8x10 ( 5 seconds holding) with 20 kg

And now about the DIET.... well, I'm having too many calories and I don't think it's really helping in terms of strength so I'm thinking about reducing a bit... I'm also afraid of getting fat .... I'm also considering VEGANISM...the more i think about it the more sense it makes.... yes, it's difficult to hit the macros with it, but not impossible....it's not for me, it's for the animals, the environment... I would feel much more in peace with myself.... maybe i'll just reduce animal products little by little..... There are vegan bodybuilders, so...why can't I be one of them....

well, here's a video of me squatting:


with corrections, I really need to improve!

I meade a fitocracy account: https://www.fitocracy.com/profile/Muskelkatz/?feed

Thursday, May 9, 2013

It is said that 10% of your workouts are bad... well, then the one of today belonged to this 10%, I'll blog about it and just get it over with and learn...

...well, I don't want to give much detail, just that I definitely was not on top of my game... I squatted with less weight than I should have, the form was not good...There are a lot of things that I  have to improve, and DON'T GIVE UP!... I'm mad at myself for giving up at some point...my coach got a bit mad...no wonder! me too!

Then Military Press.... firts time in my life I did it...so hard! We girls have less strength and muscle than guys... that's the only excuse....still I sucked at it, so we went to do military press with the dumbells, which was a bit better.... a bit, but 5 kg. each side is....well...improvable.

Then Side Raises.... ok
Tricep Extensions....ok

All in all the day was maybe my weakest... Now my legs are hurting and my head too...After the WO I felt a bit dizzy....

And about the food...I'm eating too much and not clean which makes me feel bad about myself...The 1900 calories ok, since i'm told to do that...but they should be clean...Not my day...I'm calling it a night real soon!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Loooooong time no blogged!

I haven't been to the gym since forver due to a tooth surgery...it's really annoying not being allowed to do any sport. Last time I was there was last thursday and it went quite well.... it was leg day, I was so tired afterwards that I didn't even blogged LOL, but it went well.

here's what I did:

Squats: 5x5 with 42,5 kg
Deadlifts: 5x5 with 67,5 kg (next time 70!!!)
Lunges (front): 5x 12 reps with 7,5 kg each side (next time 10kg)
Calves (sitting extensions) 8x10 with 20 kg ( 5 seconds holing it) (next time 25kg)
Glute Bridges...I didn't :/

Maybe my coach overestimates me sometimes, but you always have to go for more than what you think you can do...if you achieve it, then perfect, if not, you have tried. Main thing is not remaining on your comfort zone.

I can't wait to go back to the gym! I hope the dentist allows me to go today even if it's just for some cardio or dancing...but something!!!! Up to yesterday I still had some pain...actually I do have a bit still, but I don't want to wait forever!!!! Today I'm hoping for some Les Mills course, either Combat or Sh'bam and I hope tomorrow I can TRAIN again. I can't wait to try my shoes :)

As for the training itself last time, it was really hard...at some point I though "I quit"... but that's how it's suppossed to be! the more you push yourself, the better the results! and if it was easy , it wouldn't be a challenge...and I'm all about the challenge!... well...as long as it seems achieveble, otherwise of course, I lose motivation... but I see it as achievable, I'm getting better at it. my deadlifts, as I said in the other post are good and my squats are getting better :)

...And my attitude is good too...I got a compliment from my coach which meant the world to me that very day:

"Went through probably the hardest squat session of my life, thank you for inspiring me in the gym with your badass never give up attitude, that helped me push myself"

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My first K.I.S.S went a little like this.... :P

K.I.S.S  stands for "Keep it simple and stupid"... so my coach, LOL! 

Yesterday's workout went a little like this :D:

Warm-up like always more or less, which bases mainly in :

and some more exercises, mainly to open the hips and get the ankles a bit more flexible....

And then the WO itself:

1. DEADLIFTS (<3 <3 <3, I love them): 5x5 
Set 1: 67,5 kg
Set 2: 67,5 kg
Set 3: 67,5 kg
Set 4:70 kg
Set 5: 70 kg

What do I have to bear in mind: Hips through I always forget that.As for the rest...well, same as always chest up, bar close to the shins (touching them when you go up)...
Actually my deadlift is not bad. My coach tells me i'm good at it , I have a body for deadlifting... That was nice to hear, actually the movement comes to me quite naturally ( I'm born to lift the dead, mwahahahaha)... I need to improve it a bit, tweaking it here and there but all in all for the second week it was good. I tried once wit 77,5 but I lost the form...:/ My coach said that was too much weight...for now! Too bad, but hey, main thing is doing it right! Slow and steady wins the race. :)

2. PULL-UPS 5x5 with 7 seconds negative
They are so fucking hard! Still assisted with the rubber bands (much more difficult than with the machine) and assisted by my coach. At the end it was a bit embarrasing cause I was already a bit exhausted and he was holding my whole weight  :/ ... but ONE I ALMOST got to do by myself...LOL, it sounds so little.... 
You should see my arms after the pull-ups! Oh my dog! so pumped! LOL
I can't wait to the moment when I can do pull-ups all the way up by myself...but patience! ( and effort, of course!) I don't want to come across as a lazy ass....cos I really don't think I am...I'm giving my 100% ...but my 100% for now is still.... "improvable" let's put it this way :D

3.HORIZONTAL ROWS ( T-bar rows) 5x10 each time 5 kg
EGG! LOL; that's the cue my coach uses so that I keep the tension on the shoulderblades... To take into account: the neagtives (releasing slowly). Next time I will be adding 1,25

4. CABLE EXTENSIONS (Pulldown neutral grip) 5x5
Set 1: 18 kg x 10 reps
Set 2: 18 kg x 10 reps
Set 3: 25 kg x10 reps
Set 4: 25 kg x 10 reps
 This exercise was cool. Since I'm exercising the back and I can't see it, I imagined it and had like some pictures in mind to motivate me...and the egg, of corse, always the egg between my sholders, :D 

5. HORIZONTAL CABLE ROWS 4 Sets x 10 reps
That didn't go so well,...I was fucking exhausted! The weight was minimal but I had to struggle here....

6. BICEP CURLS 4x10 with 5 kg
Next time adding weight: 7,5 kg.
That went good, it was not extremely difficult...

And then I told my coach that we hadn't done the roll-outs tho he brought the thing to do them and he said I was too exhausted...but anyway I tried just a couple of times to see how it's done...but yes, I was too exhausted to do them right...

He asked me at the very end how I found the WO I thought it was good and I asked him and...he couldn't say, he said he has to try a leg-day with me... so tomorrow is leg day! :)  (also cause then I will have to be one week "resting") due to a tooth extraction...that sux :/ I'm gonna miss my WOs in both senses of the word...